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Yard Duty

YD Areas


Both teaching and non-teaching staff at TC are allocated Yard Duty. Failing to complete an allocated Yard Duty is a significant issue that can put students at risk and put the staff member concerned at risk of disciplinary and legal action. Staff yard duties will be uploaded into compass.

It is important that staff on Yard Duty:

  • Are punctual in terms of arrival at the designated area.

  • Are a visible presence to students in the area - this is best achieved by moving throughout the designated area.

  • Actively encourage and support students in keeping the yard clean.

  • Do not put themselves in a position of danger but should contact the General Office to ask for assistance if there are problems with students or ‘outsiders’. Staff members are encouraged to take their mobile phone on Yard Duty.

  • Are clear about which area they are responsible for. The College grounds have been divided into supervision areas. A map of these areas is attached below.

  • Are aware of their own OHS, in particular in being Sun Smart when outside.

Yard Duty Areas

Bus - Supervise students waiting for the school buses on Lynwood Parade.

Canteen – In the Canteen. The staff member on this area does not serve behind the counter in the canteen. It is essential to be out on duty in the first 10 minutes to assist with student management when the canteen is busy. Once the initial rush is over staff should roam.

Central – Astro Turf, behind the canteen and External C wing.

Corridor A & B – Roam through A and B wings and Rose Garden.

Corridor C & Art – Roam through C wing, supervise Art Hub.

Crossing - Supervise students at the bottom of Cypress Ave, monitor and support students crossing Lynwood Parade.

East – Actively supervise sport that is on and walk around the back of the sport centre carpark and around to the back of SWING to make sure students are not out of bounds.

Gate (Front and Back) – Front of the school to ensure parents are not stopping in no standing zones. Stop students leaving during the day if they are not grads.

Library - monitor the library space and ensure a tranquil environment.

Lower – E wing and D wing. Move through D wing corridor as well as external areas. Walk through permaculture and along under croft area.

Oval & PAC – Movement from front gate to back gate, via the PAC, Oval and Portables. Currently students are not permitted in the portables at recess and lunch unless actively working with a teacher

Sport Centre—Actively supervise sport that is on

S Wing – This is an ‘active duty’ area requiring staff to actively move around the area and engage with students. Supervising staff are asked to assist with kitchen supervision and rubbish.

The HUB – This is an ‘active duty’ area requiring staff to actively move around the area and engage with students. Supervising staff are asked to assist with kitchen supervision and rubbish.
