All staff are available through to contact through email via Compass. Should contact be made with staff but no response heard back within two school days, contact can be sought with an Assistant Principal if appropriate. The General Office is also available by telephone on 9850 6333 and able to direct a query.
Microsoft teams is the main digital platform which TC uses for all internal communication. Please click here for Teams help guides.
TC uses Compass as its school management system. Please click here for more information. Compass can be used to email families and has a news feed displaying relevant information and events for staff, students and families.
Next Week @TC
A weekly bulletin from Peter Ellis with the latest news and upcoming events and information. This can be found on the front page of the website and is also emailed to the whole community.
Next Week @TC also includes a segment TC NEWS, articles written by our student journalists every week on a current TC event.
The Newsletter is published on the website, visit our News and Media page to see the latest issues. Staff and Students supply articles and pictures for excursions, sporting teams or special events and it is released at the end of each term.
Social media
TC runs an active Facebook and Instagram accounts to promote and celebrate TC achievements.
News and Media
For other communication sources please visit our News and Media page.
PA Announcements
There is a microphone in the General Office, which is to be used for making announcements. Such announcements on the Public Address system are kept to a minimum and permission needs to be sought from an Assistant Principal. A preferred method of communicating with students will be through teams.