
@TC we use a lot of acronyms! For new community memebers they might take a while to learn. This is one easy location to find them all.

For Department of Education and Training acronyms please click here.

Acronym Definition
AEA Australian Education Awards
AEU Australian Education Union
AIP Annual Implementation Plan
CET Community Executive Teams
CIL Community Integrated Learning
CLG Curriculum Learning Group
DE Department of Education
ELF Empowered Learner Framework
EMS Expanded Measures of Success
FISO Framework for Improving Student Outcomes
FTE Full Time Equivalent
HITS High Impact Teaching Strategies
KIS Key Improvement Strategies
IEP Individual Education Plan
ILP Individual Learning Plan
LAL Learning Area Leader
LCC Local Consultative Committee
LD Learning Director
LS Learning Specialist
LT Leading Teacher
MAP Montessori Adolescent Program
OHS Occupational Health and Safety
PAC Performing Arts Centre
PAL Policy and Advisory Library
PBL Project Based Learning
PDP Professional Development Plan
PLC Professional Learning Community
PST Pre Service Teacher
PPD Professional Practice Day
RSE Relationships and Sexuality Education
SAM Student Achievement Managers
SIT School Improvement Team
SPTI Student Parent Teacher Interviews
SRP Student Resource Package
SSP School Strategic Plan
UPR Unconditional Positive Regard
VASS Victorian Assessment Software System
VGSA Victorian Government Schools Agreement
VHAP Victorian High-Ability Program
VIT Victorian Institute of Teaching
VRQA Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
VTLN Victorian Teaching and Learning Model
WASHI Work and Study Habits Index
WWC Working with Children check

ATAR Australian Tertiary Admission Rank
MYLNS Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support
NAPLAN National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy
PLP Personal Learning Project
SAC School Assessed Coursework
SAT School Assessed Tasks
SEA Special Exam Arrangements
SEAS Special Entry Access Scheme
TLI Tutor Learning Initiative
VCE Victorian Certificate of Education
VCE VM VCE Vocational Major
VET Vocational Education and Training
VPC Victorian Pathways Certificate
VSL Victorian School of Languages
VSV Virtual School Victoria

APP Apprenticeship
SBAT School Based Apprenticeship
SWL Structured Workplace Learning
TAFE Technical and Further Education
VTAC Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre
WE Work Experience

CAMHS Child Adolescent Mental Health Service
CP Child Protection
CT Care Team
CYMHS Child Youth Mental Health Service
DFFH Department Families, Fairness and Housing
ED Eating Disorder
GAD Generalised Anxiety Disorder
OOHC Out of Home Care
MH Mental Health
MYS Manningham Youth Services
NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme
PSD Program for Students with Disabilities
SBD Severe Behaviour Disorder
SLD Specific Learning Disorder
SOCIT Sexual Offenses and Child Abuse Investigation Team
SSG Student Support Group
VT Visiting Teacher

ENTRY Entry Group
FLE Flexible Learning Environment
GRA Graduate Group
INE International Entry Students
INT International Students
ING International Graduate Students
MP1 Montessori Program First Year Students
MP2 Montessori Program Second Year Students
MP3 Montessori Program Third Year Students