“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence”
— Maria Montessori

If you are currently in Primary School looking for a High School, please click on the link below to book in for one of our MAP EXPO sessions. MAP Expo’s are open for Entry class 2026 onwards.

If you are looking for a place for a student who is currently in High School please visit our enrolments page and complete an Expression for Interest for current Year 8-12 students. https://tc.vic.edu.au/yr-812-to-fle-enrolments.

For further information please contact our Registrar Wendy Harford, WHA@tc.vic.edu.au or by calling her on 03 9851 4605. 

Montessori Adolescent Program (MAP)

Since 2012, TC has offered a Montessori Adolescent Program (MAP@TC), based on the teachings of Dr Maria Montessori for students aged 12 - 15. The program runs alongside the other progressive learning programs at TC, with students taking part in MAP@TC being considered to be TC students who learn in a Montessori style.

MAP@TC delights in the unique challenges of educating adolescents. In this program, adults and students function as a community of learners in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support. Students cover all areas of the curriculum taught in Victorian schools. The Montessori program differs in the way the information is presented and organised, and the way the students learn. 

Meeting the needs for adolescents

Growing towards independence

Self-development of the individual

Growing within society and community

Curriculum for MAP@TC

All fees and payments for enrolment into the Montessori Adolescent Program  @TC are managed and payable directly to TC. No fees or payments are to be made to any external organisations.

If you are interested in the enrolment process for the MAP program at TC please click on the Tour booking link above or contact Wendy Harford WHA@tc.vic.edu.au or phone (03) 9851 4605.