First Aid
health centre
TC provides First Aid services for those injured during the school day and a Health Centre for students who become unwell during the school day. We request that unwell students be kept at home for their comfort and to prevent spreading of the illness to others.
Should a child fall ill during the day a parent will be contacted and asked to collect them both for their own comfort and as we do not have the capacity to manage unwell students at school. IMPORTANT: Emergency contact details are required for such instances; emergency contacts will be contacted if a parent is unable to be contacted and an ambulance may be called at the expense of parent/guardians, if deemed necessary. TC advises subscriptions to an Ambulance Service.
First aid is primarily located in the sickbay.
Minor injuries only will be treated by staff members on duty. If there is/are more serious injuries, parents will be notified.
Where there is any injury to the head or back, or even where there is a suspicion that an injury could exist the student will be treated at the site of the accident and not moved, the First Aid Officer must be advised, and the parents contacted. It is not acceptable for a student to refuse treatment/assessment and the responsibility remains with the staff member to ensure that this first aid assessment has taken place.
No medication including headache tablets will be administered to children without the express written permission, or with phone permission in an emergency, and provision of medication by parents or guardians.
We request that those with a documented asthma management plan, carry their own Ventolin. Back up Ventolin will be available from First Aid. Those children who have an anaphylaxis plan Epi pens are kept in the General Office marked in the filing cabinet EPIPENS.
All staff are trained in CPR and Anaphylaxis management.
In An Emergency
All teachers have the authority to call an ambulance immediately in an emergency.
If a serious injury/dangerous occurrence/and/or ambulance has been called refer to the following emergency procedure:
The staff member initiating first aid will either call for or request another staff member to call for an ambulance on 000 or 112 and then advise reception, with basic information about the illness or condition.
Reception to contact the Principals and Assistant Principals of the situation immediately. If they are not available, they are to contact the teacher designated in charge.
A senior staff member will then contact the family having informed themselves of the situation.
An Assistant Principal will notify Emergency & Security Management on (03) 9859 6266
Worksafe must be notified about the incident immediately on 13 23 60
Staff injuries and incidents
Staff injured on site will be supported with first aid. Following an incident the staff member must log onto Edu safe to report the incident website is and report incident to OH&S Manager.
If a claim needs to be reported to WorkCover, staff will be required to fill out a Victorian WorkCover Worker’s claim form.
A Work Cover Certificate of Capacity is also required and must be completed by a treating Doctor. Please be aware you have 30 days to complete this form.
A register or log book (confidential) also records dangerous occurrence or injury this is a requirement from Worksafe.
At the commencement of each year, requests for updated first aid information will be sent home including requests for any asthma management plans, high priority medical forms, and reminders to parents of the policies and practices used by the school to manage first aid, illnesses and medications throughout the year.
General organisational matters relating to first aid will be communicated to staff at the beginning of each year.
Revisions of recommended procedures for administering asthma medication will also be given at that time.
A confidential up-to-date register to be kept in CASES 21 for students only.