Dress Code Policy  

Date Reviewed: December 2023
Approved By: College Council - TBA Feb 2024
Date of Next Review: December 2026

Page Contents


The purpose of the Student Dress Code is to outline Templestowe Colleges requirements for student dress and appearance and to provide information about dress code implementation and exemption processes.

This dress code has been developed by Templestowe College in close consultation with our school community to ensure that it respects the rights of individual students whilst reflecting the values and interests of our community.

Templestowe College is a workplace for both students and staff. The dress code replaced the Uniform Policy in October 2017. The change was ratified by College Council to better reflect our philosophy and our one-person policy which states:   

“At TC we believe that all people should be treated equally regardless of the position they hold and are entitled to be treated with respect and shown trust, which will grow or diminish based on our actions.” and “the right to express individuality and to be respected for this.”    

The dress code has been developed taking into consideration the need to meet Sun Smart guidelines, occupational health and safety standards.  Clothing should be comfortable, practical and allow students and staff to safely participate fully in the range of activities for their school day.

Each year a TC Branded Hoodie are available for order in December. Details are shared with the TC community via “This week at TC” and through Compass. 


What can staff and students wear?  

Overarching principals

When selecting clothing ensure:  

  • That Safety requirements are met. This includes the physical and emotional wellbeing of all members of the community. 

  • They enable you to successfully participate in the lessons, activities or tasks for the day  

  • That they are appropriate to your role and activities for the day. 

Your choice of clothing must meet the following criteria  

  • Physical Activity and Sport classes: When sport or physical activity is taking place outside, Staff and students are required to wear a top with short or long sleeves. Students should wear comfortable clothing that allows Sports shorts, track pants or leggings should be worn to enable movement. Shoes need to be appropriate for exercise.

    Drama Subjects: For all drama subjects, staff and students are required to wear clothing which will allow comfortable and confident physical activity by the wearer and should otherwise follow the guidelines set by the PE dress code.

    Footwear: In the interest of safety, the wearing of substantial footwear is a requirement. Thongs and similar items of footwear are not to be worn at school. Sandals must be securely attached to the foot. This includes for students taking part in the employability skills program who should wear footwear for the role being carried out as directed in the OHS Training. Students should avoid wearing Ugg boots when undertaking sport, food and technologies subjects as they do not provide adequate support in those spaces.  

    Safety: In all subjects, appropriate shoes, personal protective clothing, and equipment must be used as required. These include the Art Hub area, Design Technology area, Permaculture, Animals, Science and Food Technology. Staff may indicate safety requirements for other areas, and these should be adhered to.

    Sun Smart: All schools have a duty of care to protect students from foreseeable risks. As UV rays are proven to be a risk schools must take all steps in order to protect students from this risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have logos, writing or images on my clothing or as personal adornment?  

Yes, if they are not offensive. Examples of this are: naked images, swear words, culturally offensive images, sexist images and writing or images that comment negatively or discriminatorily on, or towards others. The Principal will be the determiner as to whether images are considered offensive.   

What are the rules about Jewellery, hair, nails and piercings?  

Jewellery, hair, nails and piercings must meet safety standards for the activity being undertaken.  The non-offensive criteria also apply in relation to these items.  

What do I wear for special events, photo day, excursions?  

Students wear their choice of clothing for assemblies and photo day. There may be a suggested school theme to add fun to an occasion, but it would not be mandatory.   

Do I have to buy any items of TC branded clothing?   

Generally, there are no mandated items but participation in ESDP basketball requires items to be purchased and worn.   

How are the Grad items generated and ordered?  

In the October prior to their graduating year students can create an item or items to commemorate their graduate year. Leadership approval is required for design and nicknames.  


If there is an immediate issue in regards to OHS, the student should be spoken to immediately. This includes sun smart principles. 

Measures taken by Templestowe College to address concerns about student non-compliance with the Student Dress Code will also be addressed in accordance with our Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy. This will include communication with parents.

Concerns about the dress code

Templestowe College welcomes feedback from the school community in relation to the Dress Code. If you have a concern or complaint about the Dress Code, further information about raising a concern or complaint is available in our school’s Parent Complaint Policy, available here.

Communication of this policy

This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:

  • Available publicly on our school’s website

  • Reminders in our school newsletter

  • Discussed in student forums

  • Discussed on enrolment tours and at enrolment interviews

  • Discussed at staff briefings/meetings as required

  • Discussed at parent information nights/sessions

Further information and resources