Careers and Pathways Team @TC

Providing careers guidance is becoming an increasingly complex and specialised field. We believe that Careers and pathways is not about preparing our students for a lifetime career, but to help them plan for their next stage of learning whilst also developing the skills to manage their own careers in the future.

To understand where we believe Careers and Pathways are relevant in our school, we can look at the “why” by looking at the relevant parts of our school philosophy. These are:

  • Learning is an exciting, lifelong journey, where the challenge is to discover and pursue our passions, which contribute to the greater good.

  • We each have our own strengths and talents and work best when we are happy and able to follow and explore our passions and interests.

  • Parents and carers can be a young person’s greatest supporters and we want and value their contribution. Staff and parents/carers need to ensure that they allow students the room to develop and practise their independence.

  • Every student benefits from having a detailed individual learning plan.

  • With support and accurate information, students are capable of making appropriate decisions in their own best interests.

TC continues to develop a program as part of the Individualised Learning Plan development process, to ensure that all students have a current and realistic Careers Plan. Particular focus is provided to students and families as they select their final VCE subjects, to ensure that prerequisite subjects are identified and VTAC applications successfully submitted. Students often return to seek assistance from our Careers Team many years after they have finished at TC.

The TC Career and Pathways team aim to work together with students, staff, parents/guardians, as well as community organisations and local agencies to offer every student at the school access to pathways and career knowledge and support. Regardless of age, any student and/or their parent may make an individual appointment with a team member if they require further assistance.

Navigating the subjects to study, the processes and requirements of VET, VCE and VCE VM, facilitating work experience, checking prerequisites for future tertiary study, career exploration, course planning and application, transition to the world of work and further study are key functions of the Careers and Pathways team.  

We work closely with the student services and wellbeing teams to provide the best support for students as they navigate their way through their secondary years and then move onto the world beyond school.

The Careers and Pathways Team provides Community Executive Teams, staff, students and families with a clear team to contact for all operational and administrational advice pertaining to the VCE, VET and VCE VM programs. This team will be responsible for leading the administrational climate of the school in relation to all senior pathways and operational procedures.

Our Careers Pathway Team is primarily located in The Hub (B Wing).


Louisa Renard - Director of Careers & Pathways
Liam O’Neil - Director of Senior Certificates
Matthew Harris - Director of Whole School Operations
Kate Buchanan - Careers Advisor, work experience and SWL Coordinator
Tammy McCoullough - VET/VASS Administrator
Jeremy Carr - Careers Administration

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