““To challenge the status quo so that everyone is empowered to learn””
Staff Vacancies
All vacancies are advertised on Recruitment Online. Applications should be made through Recruitment Online, but those experiencing technical difficulties can send an electronic copy to the school.
Click here for Recruitment Online
What do we look for in staff?
This information applies to both teaching and non-teaching staff. We have a "One Person" policy at TC, and value and respect all staff equally regardless of their role. No matter if you are a student in the Entry Class or are the Principal, we believe that we are all of equal worth. Each of us has hopes, dreams, ambitions, strengths and weaknesses. Whether teaching or support staff we all work towards achieving the one school vision.
We value highly skilled staff who are experts within their field, but we also value those who may be new to teaching or their area of expertise who have a wealth of prior experiences, or are young and have a burning passion to help other young people grow and develop as learners.
The qualities we are looking for in our staff include, but are not limited to:
A demonstrated passion and ability to help young people achieve their goals
Creativity in your approach to education
Being a good role model as a life-long learner
Highly developed ICT skills and an ability to use these to assist learning
An enjoyment for working both inside and outside your own area of expertise
Having a broad range of experience, skills and passions
Being able to demonstrate how you know when students are making progress
Being skilled at motivating students
Being adaptable and flexible
Templestowe College Child Safe Standards Recruitment Policy
Templestowe College has rigorous procedures in place in the recruitment and screening process, meeting the child safety requirements for staff selection, supervision and management practices (Clause 10 Ministerial Order No 870). A strong focus of the recruitment and screening process is on child safety- zero tolerance of child abuse, in order to minimise the risk of appointment of a person posing a risk to a child.
When recruiting new staff or volunteers’ consideration is taken to assess the suitability of the applicant based on some the following child safety areas involved in child related work. These being:
the candidates motivation for working with children
exploration of the candidates understanding of professional boundaries, child safety and prevention
relevant, verifiable qualifications, experiences and attributes in relation to child related work
having an understanding of the job requirements, duties and responsibilities regarding child safety.
Various recruitment tools, training and supervision are used and provided to all personnel to minimise the risk of child abuse. Opportunities are provided for all employees and volunteers to develop and maintain skills to ensure child safety and enable the consistency of following child safety policies and procedures.
Phase 1-Selection Criteria
Templestowe College will ensure job descriptions and advertisements reflect the child safe standards;
our school is committed to child safety. We have a zero tolerance of child abuse. Our recruitment practices are strictly adhered to during the application and interviewing process. Applicants should be aware that we carry out Working with Children, Police records and reference checks to ensure that we are recruiting the right people.
all applicants will be provided with a statement through the Department of Education and Trainings Recruitment Online, that sets out clearly the job’s requirements, duties and responsibilities and the essential qualifications, experience and attributes in relation to child safety
all applicants will also be informed of the school’s child safety practices, policies including the Safety Code of Conduct through Recruitment Online
advise of rigorous background checks to verify information, including Working with Children Checks, VIT registration, qualifications and online searches
behavioural and value based interview questions that will gain an accurate sense of the applicants suitability.
Phase 2- Screening and Background Checks
Templestowe College will make reasonable efforts to gather, verify and record the following information about the applicant:
working with Children Check and VIT registrations if applicable
at least two forms of identification will be sought e.g. driving licence, passport
conduct a background check using online forums such as, but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Instagram, Snap Chat etc
sight and keep on record a copy of an original academic transcript of qualifications
at least two verbal reference checks with previous employers who can provide insight into the applicant’s skills and character
establish from the referees, their relationship to the applicant, specifics of the previous position, capabilities of the applicant and any concerns that they may hold regarding the applicant working with children
Phase 3- Contracts/Inductions
Templestowe College can offer probation contracts, in line with DET guidelines, to new staff members to assess their performance and suitability prior to confirming permanent employment. Probation length can vary and offers an opportunity to set goals and identify training and other support needs.
Employment contracts signed by staff and induction for volunteers and contractors will make clear that proven breaches of school policies, procedures and Codes of Conduct will be regarded seriously.
Our school will also ensure that appropriate support and supervision arrangements are in place for newly appointment staff or volunteers in relation to the induction of new staff into the school’s policies, codes, practices and procedures regarding child safety and monitoring and assessment of employees continuing suitability for the position through yearly performance and development reviews.