Mobile Phone Policy

Date Approved: Policy updated December 2022
Approved By: Principal
Date of Review Required: October 2025
TC Plans to review this every 12 months

Page Contents


To explain to our school community the Department’s and Templestowe Colleges policy requirements and expectations relating to students using mobile phones and other personal mobile devices, including iPads and smartwatches, during school hours.


This policy applies to: 

  • All students at Templestowe College and, 

  • Students’ personal mobile phones, Ipads and Smartwatches brought onto school premises during school hours, including recess and lunchtime. School hours are considered as the beginning of classes in the morning and the end of classes at the end of the day.  


A mobile phone is a telephone with access to a cellular (telecommunication) system, with or without a physical connection to a network. 


Templestowe College understands that students may bring a personal mobile phone to school, particularly if they are travelling independently to and from school. 

At Templestowe College: 

  • Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours 

  • Exceptions to this policy may be applied if certain conditions are met (see below for further information) 

  • When emergencies occur, parents or carers should reach their child by calling the school’s office. 

  • A smartwatch or iPad can be brought to school, but notifications should be turned off 

Personal mobile phone use

In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Policy issued by the Minister for Education, personal mobile phones must not be used at Templestowe College during school hours, including lunchtime and recess, unless an exception has been granted. 

Where a student has been granted an exception, the student must use their mobile phone for the purpose for which the exception was granted, and in a safe, ethical and responsible manner. 

Secure storage

Mobile phones owned by students at Templestowe College are considered valuable items and are brought to school at the owner’s (student’s or parent/carer’s) risk.  Students are encouraged not to bring a mobile phone to school unless there is a compelling reason to do so.  Please note Templestowe College does not have accident insurance for accidental property damage or theft. Students and their parents/carers are encouraged to obtain appropriate insurance for valuable items.  Refer to the  Department’s Personal Goods policy for more information.

Where students bring a mobile phone to school, Templestowe College will provide secure storage. Secure storage is storage that cannot be readily accessed by those without permission to do so. At Templestowe College students are required to store their phones securely either in their bag or in their mobile phone locker provided. The mobile phone locker to be used will be allocated to students. These lockers will be located under surveillance of CCTV, and have an inbuilt 4 digit code lock.


At Templestowe College we rely on a trust method and that students will do the right thing. Students who use their personal mobile phones inappropriately at Templestowe College may be issued with consequences consistent with our school’s existing student engagement polices based around Mobile Phones. Should students choose to not do the correct thing in following the Policy, there will be different process to follow based on whether the incident occurs within a classroom setting or not.

Should this happen within a classroom or learning setting (including the Hub or S Wing):

Having asked the student if they should have their mobile phone out (ie, do they have an exemption which means that they should have their phone out), the member of staff will remind the student that mobile phones should be turned off as per the DET/school policy, and ask the student to put it away so that it is stored securely. Securely stored in this context means in their bag or locker, not pocket.

If the student is seen a second time with their mobile phone out, the member of staff will ask the student to put their phone on the desk in front of the room or an appropriate container provided by the staff member. Please note, staff will not take possession of a students’ phone.

Staff members will give the student these options or the student will be given a Timeout from class, as per the school’s Timeout policy. Should a Timeout occur, the student will be given the opportunity for reflection with a member of the Community Executive Team or Assistant Principal and parents will be notified via Compass.

Should this happen outside of a classroom setting:

Having asked the student if they should have their mobile phone out (ie, do they have an exemption which means that they should have their phone out), the member of staff will remind the student that mobile phones should be turned off as per the DET/school policy and ask the student to put it away so that it is stored securely.

Should a student refuse to follow the request from a member of staff or respond in a matter not in line with our community statement of values, the member of staff should follow the school engagement policy, which would result in the incident being recorded on Compass and referred to Community Executive Teams. If you are unable to identify a student, the member of staff should speak to the CET who can use CCTV to identify a student.

At Templestowe College inappropriate use of mobile phones is any use during school hours, unless an exception has been granted, and particularly use of a mobile phone:

  • in any way that disrupts the learning of others

  • to send inappropriate, harassing or threatening messages or phone calls

  • to engage in inappropriate social media use including cyber bullying

  • to capture video or images of people, including students, teachers and members of the school community without their permission

  • to capture video or images in the school toilets, changing rooms, swimming pools and gyms

  • during exams and assessments


Exceptions to the policy: 

  • may be applied during school hours if certain conditions are met, specifically, 

    • Health and wellbeing-related exceptions; and 

    • Exceptions related to managing risk when students are offsite. 

  • can be granted by the principal, or by the teacher for that class, in accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Policy.  

1. Learning-related exceptions

2. Health and wellbeing-related exceptions

Health and Wellbeing Related Exceptions.png

3. Exceptions related to managing risk when students are offsite

Exceptions related to managing risk when students are offsite.png

Where an exception is granted, the student can only use the mobile phone for the purpose for which it was granted.  

Camps, excursions and extracurricular activities 

Templestowe College will provide students and their parents and carers with information about items that can or cannot be brought to camps, excursions, special activities and events, including personal mobile phones. 


This policy does not apply to  

  • Out-of-school-hours events 

  • Travelling to and from school 

  • Wearable devices that are not specifically mentioned in this policy

  • iPads 

  • Students undertaking workplace learning activities, e.g. work experience 

  • Students who are undertaking VET off site from Templestowe College 

Communication of this policy

This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:

  • Available publicly on the school website

  • Included in staff induction processes

  • Included in transition correspondence to new families

  • Discussed at staff briefings/meetings as required

  • Discussed at parent information nights/sessions as required

  • Annually referenced in Next Week @TC

  • Hard copy available from school administration upon request

Further information and resources


To support the implementation of the Mobile Phone Policy, staff are asked to limit their own use of mobile phone devices to the following: 

  • Use for emergency management processes 

  • Use for an essential school related task, eg: 

    • Marking of the roll 

    • Recording of white board notes to then be shared with students through our online platforms 

    • Taking photos of students work to then be shared through our online platforms 

Personal use of a mobile phone should take place within a staff room only.

Parent FAQs

How can parents communicate with their students during school hours?

Please make a plan with your students as to how you will make regular contact. We suggest using alternative methods such as email or setting up Skype. Students will be able to access a telephone outside the General Office,they can also ask in the Hub or Resource Centre to access a phone.

If you need to contact your student immediately, please call the General Office and this will be facilitated.

Whilst on camp, your documentation will direct you on how to communicate during an emergency. On most camps staff will have a mobile phone that you or your student can use upon request. Please make a plan in advance with your Community Director if you or your student require more frequent contact. Some Camps may require the use of a mobile phone, this will be specified in the camp documentation.

Can I request for my child to use their mobile phone?

If you are aware of times when you will need to be in regular immediate contact with your children, we ask that you make a plan with you community director to manage this communication.

Can students access mobile phones during break times?

No, students are expected not to access their mobile phones from 8.45am until 3.30pm.

How will students know when it is time for class?

Students will use various methods such as their laptops, watches, peers, observing others moving, staff reminders. Please discuss with your student how they will manage these times. There will be clocks everywhere as well as visual clues for the times of the day.

How will students access compass/room changes quickly?

Room changes are updated every morning, and compass can be checked on their laptops to help them plan their day. Staff are anticipating students needing to do this and will support them.

Where will the mobile phones be securely stored?

The policy requires mobile phones to be off and stored securely. As long as students do not access their mobile phones then how they do this is up to them. However, we highly recommend students using lockers to ensure that they are secure and to avoid temptation.

As long as students do not access their mobile phones. However, we highly recommend students using lockers to ensure that they are secure and to avoid temptation.

How are special considerations managed?

If you have special consideration you will not need to get exemptions every year. Exemptions are well structured. If updates are required, your Community Director will contact you.

Students with exemptions will be expected to be using their phone for the purpose it is intended under their exemption. This will be documented so that staff are able to support these students.

For students who manage anxiety and distractions using their phones currently, they will be able to use email, Skype and music programs through their laptops. Strategies can also be written into a health care plan, such as for students to have their phones in their bags, and going to a safe space to use the phone such as the wellbeing area

As a parent, how can I help TC implement the policy?

We would greatly appreciate your support to make this a smooth transition. You can discuss our policy and procedure as a family and talk to your students about managing communication with you, arriving to classes on time and their other concerns.

Are iPad and smart watches included in the ban?

No, smart watches and iPad are not banned. The ministerial policy clearly defines a mobile phone. However, the alert function is required to be switched off. Students are able to use laptops and other devices to perform many of the functions their mobile phone would have.

What if I don't support the policy?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, however, enrolling in TC requires you and your student to follow policies. The transition will be much easier for your student if we all encourage 'doing the right thing'

Student FAQs

Where will my phone locker be?

You will be allocated a locker either in S Wing or in the Hub. You will be sent an email at the beginning of the new year with your locker number and location.

How do the lockers work?

You will need a 4 digit number code. You will set this when you first use your locker. Instructions on how to do this will be in the email with your locker number and location.

What if I forget the code?

We have a master key that can open them if we need to.

Are the lockers safe?

The lockers are directly under CCTV. They are also in areas of high visibility. It will be obvious if people are accessing the lockers when they shouldn’t be.

How will I know my timetable?

You will still have compass on your computers. We shall also be printing timetables so that you can stick these in your TC2020 diary that you will receive at the beginning of the year.

How will I be able to contact my parents in an emergency?

There are already the phones in S Wing and the Hub, and we shall be installing a phone outside of the General Office that you can use. There are staff nearby that have access to your parents mobiles. You may also want to discuss with your parents how you could contact them, eg through email or skype etc.

How will my parents contact me through the day?

Your parents can still ring the school. Also, you can discuss with your parents how they can contact you over non important things, such as by using emails etc. Also, your phone will still be there at the end of the day. Any messages for you will still be there waiting for you when you unlock your locker.

I used to take photos of the whiteboard for my notes with my phone, what now?

If your laptop does not have the ability to take a photo, you can still ask the member of staff to take a photo and they can upload it to the class one note.

Can I use an Ipod Touch?

As far as I am aware, an ipod touch does fit in within the guidelines. It does not emit a cellular signal and will not be able to connect to our wifi. This is therefore ok.

What if I am leaving early?

If you are leaving early, you are leaving early. You are able to collect your phone and leave. If you do collect your phone, it is time to leave.