International Student Program

Temporary students

We had 10 students come for a short study experience. Most of them came for 3 to 4 weeks to get a taste of studying overseas and many have come with a good level of English so they are able to join in with the mainstream classes.  Many enjoyed our different electives like Animals and Lego classes.

Language Centre - Snake Lesson

On 13 August, Mr. Sadler came to the social studies class of the language centre and gave us a profound lesson about snake safety. We learned about types of snakes, how to avoid being bitten by snakes at the beach or in the jungle, risk management strategies, snake bite first aid and had close interactions with two snakes. The students showed a lot of interest in the topic of snake safety and asked many wonderful and meaningful questions. For example: What does a snake’s digestive system look like? How do snakes reproduce? Do all snakes lay eggs? What is the lifespan of a snake? How to tell the difference between venomous and non-venomous snakes in Australia? At the end of the lesson, Mr. Sadler also introduced information about spider safety, kangaroo safety, and magpie safety. Learning about Australia's different animal species and dangerous animals not only emphasizes cultural learning, but also enhances students' safety awareness and preventative measures.

Language Centre - Australian BBQ

Summer is approaching so the Language Centre Social Studies class the students learnt about having BBQs, Magpies and as mentioned earlier snakes.  They compared Korean, Japanese and Australian BBQs - the similarities and differences.  Most of them do not have bbqs in parks or outdoors so they were given an opportunity to go to Westerfolds Park for BBQ and to see Kangaroos!   They also learnt about Magpies swooping and how to possibly avoid them

Mid-Autumn Festival - Moon Festival - 17 September 2024

Three of our students share what they do for Mid-autumn festival in their different home country. 

For more info: Mid-Autumn Festival - Wikipedia

  • B Dang: Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals of the Vietnamese people. On the full moon night of the eighth lunar month every year, all the streets and alleys are brightly lit with lanterns. Children eagerly carry star lanterns and lanterns, while adults gather together to enjoy delicious moon cakes and watch the full moon. Mid-Autumn Festival is not only an occasion for family reunions but also an occasion for everyone to have fun together, creating a warm and united atmosphere.

  • Tat Quen Tham: In Malaysia, we do celebrate moon festival. We will play fire crackers and lanterns. In front of the house, we set up tables with lots of food, invite friends and relatives to our house. People chitchat and have meals.

  • Vivian Zhang: On the Mid-Autumn Festival, my family will make mooncakes, put in their favourite fillings and choose their favourite mould. We would also drink special occasion wine, which is a low-alcohol wine made from flowers and fruits. The most important thing is that the family sits down to eat together for a nice reunion.

Study Abroad Student Kie Aiba from Japan

What have you enjoyed about TC?
One that left a particularly strong impression on me was the music class. At my school in Japan, we usually complete one piece together, but at Templestowe College, we were divided into groups of several people to work on it. I think that students can further develop their skills in instruments and other skills that they are good at.

Tell us a little bit about your experience?
In my opinion, Japanese schools tend to have a smaller range of friendships because classes are usually held together by grade level. However, at Templestowe College, I had many opportunities to talk with new people because of the elective classes. Also, the students and teachers were friendly and very enjoyable to talk to.