“To challenge the status quo, so that everyone is empowered to learn”
Next Week @TC
Subject Change Week
Attendance Processes Reminders
Updating Student Enrolment Details
Relationships and Sexuality Education at TC
Permaculture News
TC 2024 Launch Assemblies - Messages being given
Creative VIC Artist in Residence Grant - Introducing Nusra Qureshi
2024 School Council Elections
We’re on Instagram!
Get to know our TC School Captains
TCNEWS - Luna New Year
Change Week - Semester 1 Subject Changes
Change week begins in next week. Today a form was posted to community teams pages. Students need to fill in if they are looking to change any subjects for Semester 1. Any questions regarding this process, students should talk to their community team in SWING.
An important date - students will not be able to join VCE Unit 1 or 3 classes past the 16h of February (this date has been updated from last week to be inline with change week). This is so students are able to complete all the content and attendance requirements for the semester.
A reminder about the following processes to do with Attendance @TC:
Student absence and reason for absence should be recorded via the Compass portal on the day of absence
If you have not logged a reason for absence you will receive automated text messages and emails from the school - this happens every day
If you believe your student was in class and has been marked absent incorrectly, please contact the relevant classroom teacher to discuss
Should you have any queries regarding attendance, or if you would like further support from the school, please contact the relevant Community Team.
Yours sincerely,
Katrina Katz - Assistant Principal - Community and Wellbeing
Updating Student Enrolment Details
On Monday 12 February, we will be emailing home Student Enrolment Information for review. It is important that our student records are correct and up-to-date; therefore, we ask that you carefully review the document and, if there are any inaccuracies and/or omissions, please email the changes to connect@tc.vic.edu.au by Friday 23 February 2024. Please note that separated families only receive the information relevant to their household. We thank you for your assistance. Should you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the General Office on (03) 9850 6333.
Relationships and Sexuality Education at TC
The TC Community Integrated Learning team are excited to announce we will be continuing the Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) initiative in 2024 for our Flexible Learning Environment cohorts.
In 2024 a sequence of four RSE lessons will be included in the regular timetable for FLE students. FLE1-FLE3 including MAP students will receive 4 sessions over the year. These will begin with FLE1 on a rotating timetable during cohort based English classes from Term 1 - Week 4. We will be scheduling Entry, International and VM student cohorts into RSE program later in the year.
Classes have been designed to be developmentally and age appropriate and inclusive of consent education. The term Relationships and Sexuality Education may include topics such as safer sex practices, sexual and reproductive health, respect for others and oneself, consent, diversity, personal rights and responsibilities, love, relationships and friendships, effective communication, abstinence, and decision-making.
At TC we take a whole school approach and believe that relationships and sexuality education is a shared responsibility. Research shows your child’s sexuality education is most effective when you are also actively involved. We encourage parents/carers to follow up with conversations with your child according to your own values and beliefs. The Victorian Department of Education has great resources to assist parents with these discussions - https://www.vic.gov.au/sexuality-education-parents
The RSE classes will be delivered by TC staff experienced in this teaching area, and we look forward to working with young people to strengthen their skills and understanding of RSE across developmental stages.
We encourage and strongly recommend that all students attend these important classes. However, if you would prefer your child not to attend these classes, please email your child’s Community Executive Team to opt out by 5pm Friday Feb 17th, 2024. Students who are not participating will go to another supervised space during these sessions.
Andrea Carydias – TC Health Promotion/RSE/Developmental Learning
Permaculture News - Would you attend a TC Bush Dance?
Our TC Permaculture Garden team would like your input on whether to hold a bush dance to raise funds for some great projects. Please take a moment to fill in this form to help us decide if it is a good idea. There is also space in the form for expressions of interest in volunteering in the Perm Garden. Thank you!
Please also Save the date! Permaculture Garden Working Bee Sunday 3rd March 9-12 in the school farm. Pizza oven scones supplied for morning tea. All welcome! Contact Meg for more details (mbai@tc.vic.edu.au)
Our annual Pool Party is fast approaching in week 5 this term - Tues Feb 27. Don’t miss out on a festival filled with races, music, games, water slide, delicious food and drinks, art, face painting, cannonball comp, fashion parades and more!
Laps For Life Fund Raiser
In addition to a range of fun activities, VM PDS 1/2 students will run a fund raiser for Laps For Life, an organisation that works to prevent and raise awareness of youth suicide.
Each lap swum on the day donates $1 to Laps For Life.
This is a whole school event held at Aquarena in Doncaster. There will be no classes at TC on that day and we highly encourage all students to attend and experience a memory-making day with friends and community.
More info including a consent form with be released via Compass next week, but for now SAVE THE DATE!
Are you a student or group of students wanting to run a stall or activity at the pool party? Get in touch at RGR@tc.vic.edu.au.
TC 2024 Launch Assemblies - Messages being given
Over the next two weeks we will be holding TC 2024 Launch Assemblies. These will be taking place as Communities during Connect.
The messages being given are the following:
A challenge to our students on how they can make TC the best possible educational experience for them
The importance of how we treat each other and supporting each other, no matter what our differences
The use of supports here available @ TC
Students will be able to see when their assembly is through Compass. We are also going to share more on the messages being given with parents and carers when this weekly newsletter has less in it so that we don’t have an information overload.
Creative VIC Artist in Residence Grant - Introducing Nusra Qureshi
We are so excited to announce that TC was success in gaining support from Creative VIC for an artist in residence program later this year. Nusra Qureshi will work with MAP and visual art students on a project called
”SELF AND SYMBOLS: Exploring representations of self through personal stories of place and belonging, celebrations of neurodiversity, and pro-active mental health, through arts practice”
Nusra will facilitate a range of workshops during Term 2 exploring painting techniques used in her work which has been internationally exhibited and acclaimed.
Congrats to the CIL, MAP team and Nusra for securing this project funding for TC students.
2024 College Council Elections
TC’s College Council Elections will run from Friday 9 February and conclude by 31 March 2024.
What is a school council and what does it do?
All government schools in Victoria have a school council. They are legally constituted bodies that are given powers to set the broad direction of a school, in accordance with Ministerial Order 1280 Constitution of Government School Councils, and the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. In doing this, a school council may directly influence the quality of education for students.
Who is on the school council?
For most Secondary school councils, there are several possible categories of membership:
A mandated elected parent member category –members of this category generally comprise more than one third of the council’s total membership. Department employees can be parent members at their child’s school providing that they are not engaged in work at the school.
A mandated elected school employee member category – members of this category make up no more than one-third of membership. The principal of the school is automatically one of these members.
An optional community member category – members are co-opted by a decision of the council because of their special skills, interests or experience. Department employees are not eligible to be community members.
For all schools with a Year 7 and above cohort, there is an additional category of membership:
A mandated elected student member category, two positions.
Generally, the term of office for all members is two years. The term of office of half the members expires each year, creating vacancies for the annual school council elections.
TC College Council meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month, onsite from 6.00pm. We hold approx. two meeting per term with a maximum of 8 meetings held per year.
Do I need special experience to be on school council?
Each member brings their own valuable skills and knowledge to the role, however, to successfully perform their duties, councillors may need to gain some new skills and knowledge.
It is important to have an interest in your child’s school and the desire to work in partnership with others to help shape the school’s future.
Please click on this link https://bit.ly/3UuGmis to access more information on each category and complete Nomination forms for each category.
All Nomination forms can be returned to connect@tc.vic.edu.au or dropped off at the front office.
EDROLO PAYMENT PORTAL - final reminder
Edrolo Payment Portal is ready to go for families to action for related VCE Subjects. The attached document includes instructions and step-by-steps on how to access/action. Payments for resource to be made by Friday February 16th. After this date, students won’t be able to access Edrolo resources until payment has been made.
Please note these resources are ONLY for particular VCE subjects. Students will have been spoken to in class if it applies to their subjects. Any questions please email Jeremy Carr JCAR@tc.vic.edu.au
We’re on Instagram!
Do you follow @official_templestowe_college on the gram? Celebrating TC achievements and sharing with our community it is a great way to learn more about TC on your daily scroll! Follow now - https://www.instagram.com/official_templestowe_college/
If you prefer Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/templestowecollege
Get to Know our school captains!
What’s the last greatest TV show or movie you watched?
Callista: The Lincoln lawyer.
Lucy: Taylor Swifts concert movie!
If aliens landed on earth tomorrow and offered to take you home with them, would you go?
Callista: yes!
Lucy: Yes, only because I’d be interested in what the deal with space is.
If you could be great at any Olympic sport, which would it be?
Callista: Soccer goalkeeper
Lucy: It would be awesome to be able to be a pro skater. But also soccer so I could hang out with the matilda’s.
What's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery today?
Callista: I'd give it to charity.
Lucy: I would buy tickets to Europe
If you could attend a dinner with any celebrity, living or dead, who would you choose?
Callista: I'd have dinner with Channing Tatum.
Lucy: I would attend dinner with Taylor Swift, Freddie Mercury and Emily Dickenson.
What was your favourite childhood board game/sport/activity?
Callista: Board game - monopoly, sport - soccer, basketball and hockey, activity - camping and art.
Lucy: My favourite board game was Cluedo. Mainly because I was so good at it I would never lose!
What is your go-to comfort meal?
Callista: My mums lasagne or Eggplant parmigiana.
Lucy: My comfort meal is an enchilada from Guzman Y Gomez
Welcome back to 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣!Journalist Rory, Ruby and Mietta write TC NEWS, articles that give our community an insight to life at TC 📰
Traditional Angpow
Luna New Year
This Saturday, the tenth of February, is this year’s Lunar New Year! This day is mainly celebrated in China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Mongolia, Malaysia, and Singapore, to mark the start of the Lunar calendar year. This calendar is based on the Moon’s cycles rather than Earth’s rotations around the Sun like the Gregorian calendar. 2024 is the year of the dragon 🐲.
There are many ways this day can be celebrated, and our own students here at TC have provided us with some insight.
Shirley (Zeshan Li) arrived in Australia from China in January 2023, and has Lunar New Year traditions of putting up decorations, eating dinner with family on New Year’s Eve, distributing red envelopes (Angpow) and other gifts, setting off firecrackers and fireworks, and “stay[ing] up late eat[ing] dumplings”. B Dang arrived in Australia from Vietnam just this January, and has the tradition of buying fireworks and setting them off, and watching a traditional Vietnamese movie called Tao Quan. B added, “we have lots of food, and we also put food on a table next to the door and leave the door open”. Tat, who arrived from Malaysia in January last year, would celebrate by gathering with relatives, playing Mahjong, and eating a big meal while waiting for fireworks. Jonathan, who arrived from China in November last year, described a tradition of big dinners with 15+ dishes, making dumplings, and “as for the kids, they will receive red packets full of money from every relative”. Red is prominent during Lunar New Year celebrations because it symbolises joy and good fortune.
This Lunar New Year, Kayla Lau, who arrived from Singapore a month and a half ago, will be celebrating by eating dinner with family. Danny Tram, who arrived from Vietnam in September 2023, currently lives in a homestay from Taiwan and will be celebrating with them. Sonya (Yuehan Sun), who arrived from China on the 4th of February, will be getting red pockets and visiting relatives.
The day requires some preparation. Niki Cao, who arrived from Vietnam in July last year, said they “prepare on New Year’s Eve [by] cleaning the home, and then gathering with relatives and family”. Sonya prepares by buying different kinds of food and new clothes. Shirley prepares by buying decorations like lanterns, firecrackers, fireworks, and “materials to prepare for the New Year’s dinner”. Hasan, who arrived from China in July last year, said preparation involves “welcom[ing] the New Year with a new look and a positive attitude”.
Lunar New Year can bring lots of good memories, and your fellow students shared some of their favourites. Husayn MA, who arrived from China in July 2023, said “back [in] my hometown, I played [in] the snow and [ate] with all of my relatives.” B’s favourite memory is “fireworks in front of the police officer while he is sleeping.” Kayla said “my favourite part is spending time with family.”
To all those who will be celebrating, I hope you have a wonderful time, and good luck in the year ahead!
By Rory Opie
TC Journalist
Last Weeks Announcements
Annual Privacy Statement
Annual Policy Reminder
Join Our parent/carers Facebook group
Building Works Next Week
Traffic Drop Off And Pick Up
EDROLO Payment Portal
Maths Tutoring
VCE Attendance Requirements for 2024
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) - Apply Now
Photographing, Filming and Recording students opt out
Panorama Bus Service
Annual Privacy Statement
Annual privacy reminder for 2024
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in nine community languages: Amharic, Arabic, Dari, Gujarati, Mandarin, Somali, Sudanese, Turkish, Urdu ,Vietnamese
Annual Policy Reminder
A reminder that you can find our policies on our website. These can be found by clicking here.
Join our parent/carers facebook group
TC has an active parents/carers Facebook page, run by parents for parents. Promoting a safe space for parents and carers of students at Templestowe College to share information online, the group celebrates school achievements, keeps up to date with school events, and more.
To join please follow this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/templestowecollegeparentcarersgroup/ all members will be confirmed by a school staff member, please ensure you answer the requested questions to join.
Building Work Next Week
Further to my emails sent to families, we have the following building works being carried out:
No access through the door by the A Wing toilets (ramps)
Replacing eaves (including plumbing works) continues
C Wing toilet renovations continues
Gardeners are in on Thursday and Friday
Traffic at Drop off and Pick up
We thank everyone for their patience during these times as we have this busy time at the beginning of the year. Please note that our preferred drop off and pick up points at these busy times are at the astroturf area. Cars pulling when there is still space to move into in front of them cause a back log of traffic behind them. Please do keep on moving through the school at these busy times, driving at a safe speed.
Maths Tutoring
Reminder: Maths study club and Nerd Squad run every Friday from 2:10pm
Each Friday afternoon we offer free Maths tutoring to all students @TC as well as the Enrichment program 'Nerd Squad'. Both programs are drop-in and curious students can just come on by for a one-off session or regular weekly attendance. These sessions are supported by TC staff and student tutors. If you are interested, please come down to B-wing. If you have any questions about Nerd Squad, please contact Matt at mvi@tc.vic.edu.au.
VCE Attendance Requirements for 2024
A reminder about the following processes to do with Attendance @ TC:
Students who are completing a VCE subject must achieve an attendance requirement of 80% or over to pass the subject
The final date for Unit 1 and 3 is Friday 14th June 2024.
Student absence and reason for absence should be recorded via the Compass portal on the day of absence
Any students who miss a VCE class must provide a medical certificate to the school to have that attendance approved under DET guidelines (a Statutory Declaration is not sufficient)
A reminder that students studying VCE should not be taking holidays during term time as this will severely affect their attendance and ability to complete course work and pass subjects
The best way to improve attendance is to attend!
If you believe your student was in class but has been marked absent, please contact the relevant classroom teacher to discuss
Should you have any queries regarding attendance, or if you would like further support from the school, please contact the relevant Community Team.
Katrina Katz
Assistant Principal – Community and Wellbeing
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) - Apply Now
School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline, and leadership. All are a part of a healthy curriculum.
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps, and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per student is $250 for secondary school students.
Please complete the linked CSEF application form and return it to the General Office with a copy of your concession card.
If you successfully applied for CSEF at Templestowe College last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools this year.
changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.
For more information please visit Help with school costs and fees | Victorian Government (www.vic.gov.au) or contact the Accounts team at Templestowe College on 9850 6333 (option 3) or email accounts@tc.vic.edu.au.
Photographing, Filming and Recording students opt out
During the school year there are many occasions and events where staff may photograph, film or record students participating in school activities and events. We do this for many reasons including to celebrate student participation and achievement, showcase particular learning programs, document a student’s learning journey/camps/excursions/sports events etc, communicate with our parents and school community in newsletters and on classroom blogs/apps etc.
If you would like to Opt OUT of having your child used in media within the school community or in publications/locations that are publicly accessibly please read our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy and complete the Annual Consent Form and return to the general office.
Panorama Bus Service
Please note bus times have not changed from 2023 and can be found here on our website. You may also view their code of conduct and safety and wellbeing policy on our transport page.