“To challenge the status quo, so that everyone is empowered to learn”
Next Week @TC
Panorama Bus Updates - Clarification
2024 College Council
Entry Parents Catch Up
Student Parent Teacher Interview Bookings are now closed
Student Parent Teacher Interviews - Some Logistics and FAQs
Secondary School Vaccinations - Entry (YR 7) and FLE 3 (YR10 Equivalent ) Students 2024
Some Building Works Completed This Week and Planned for the Holidays
TCNEWS - 2024 School Production - Matilda
Panorama Bus Updates - Clarification
All Panorama drivers have been advised to stop at all stops specified on their assigned routes, regardless of whether a stop is requested, with the exception of students traveling between Eltham Lower Park and Eltham Station. Panorama buses will only stop at these stops upon request from students. In such cases, we advise students to communicate their stop request upon boarding the bus or by positioning themselves near the front and signaling the driver for the next stop.
In the afternoons, three Panorama buses stop at Eltham Station: Park West, Diamond Creek, and Hurstbridge. However, we request that students bound for Eltham Station as their destination board either the Diamond Creek or Park West buses, keeping our Hurstbridge bus reserved for our Hurstbridge-bound students. This measure is implemented to ensure that students requiring transportation to Hurstbridge can efficiently access this service. Click here to find a PDF file of the bus routes.
2024 TC College Council
We have now completed our 2024 College Council Election process.
We would like to welcome our new parent members, Alex Garner and Denice Murray.
All parents/carers of our current Entry students are welcome to attend a morning tea catch up.
When: Wednesday 27th March 9:00am-9:45am
What: Tea, Coffee, and light refreshments
Where: TC Library (opposite S Wing, next to the canteen)
Who: Parents and carers of 2024 Entry Students
Parking: Available on the oval
Please RSVP using the link below if you would like to attend. Looking forward to seeing you there!
TC ENTRY Parents/Carers Talk & Chat/Tea & Coffee Morning (office.com)
Run by Students for Students.
Students from Templestowe College will run an Introduction to ROBOTICS Holiday Program.
Tuesday 2 April 2024 - Friday 12 April 2024
Student Parent Teacher Interview Bookings are Now closed
As per the compass announcement this week, bookings are now closed for student parent teacher interviews next week. This allows our staff to print any resources and prepare the information needed ahead of the interviews starting early on Monday Morning.
Student Parent Teacher Interviews - Some Logistics and FAQs
For the first time attendees, or those just looking for a reminder, here is some key information on our Student Parent Teacher Interviews:
Should students attend? Yes.
Do classes run on these days? No. Staff are all in appointments all day and so they are not available to run classes.
When are the links to the online meetings sent out? You will receive a notification on Monday and have access to the unique link for each member of staff. You go to the meeting at the time that you booked in for and they will admit you to the meeting.
What happens if I need more than my allotted time? You can arrange for a phone call with the member of staff. You will not get more than the allotted time as if we do not stick to the times this causes mass disruption.
Please arrive a several minutes before your first appointment. Staff are located around the school based on alphabetical order. We have lists that you can see with staff locations.
Please bring your bookings with you, either as a print out or on a device as we do not have the facilities to print these for you
Parking will be available on the Oval for the onsite day
Please note that behaviour that does not align with our school expectations and values will not be tolerated. A member of staff should not be made to feel intimidated or harassed. Should a parent display any behaviours that do not align with our values they will be asked to leave. Our school statement of values can be found here with more information.
Secondary School Vaccinations - Entry (YR 7) and FLE 3 (YR10 Equivalent ) Students 2024
Secondary school immunisations are provided to students to reduce their risk of contracting preventable diseases and some cancers. Health advice regarding immunisations recommends students receive the following:
Year 7 (Entry)
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) one dose & Human papillomavirus (HPV) one dose apart).
Year 10 (FLE3)
Meningococcal A,C,W,Y (one dose)
If your child missed out on their school-based vaccinations, please speak to your GP or local council immunisation service about how they can catch up.
To check if your child is due for any vaccines, refer to their immunisation history statement on the Australian Immunisation Register, using your MyGov account.
If your child is aged over 14, they may need to access their immunisation history statement themselves, through their own MyGov account or the Medicare mobile app.
TC Immunisation Program & Information Thursday 28 March 2024
To book consent with Manningham Council is now electronically via Manningham Portal
Entry students Vaccines
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) & Human Papillomavirus (HPV)– entry students will receive one of each of the vaccine.
To Book link below Year 7 (Entry) https://portal.cirv.vic.gov.au//PrivacyCollection/?id=9ed55a73-9bc4-ee11-9079-000d3ae1a03a&Year7
FLE 3 (YEAR 10) vaccine Meningococcal ACWY
To Book Electronically FLE 3 (Year 10) see below link:
or Manningham Council immunisation sessions please see link below .
For further information and resources in the importance of vaccination is available at the following
Donna Smith
Health Centre
Some Building Works Completed This Week and Planned for the Holidays
As TC continues a major maintenance program and build program the following projects have been (or are being) completed this week:
Automated door into the Hub as part of the Accessibility upgrades
Revarnishing of the wooden areas of the Hub (maintenance work)
We have a large amount of works taking place during the holidays. This will include:
Completion of adding screens into C Wing
Recarpeting of several rooms
Repainting of all of A Wing
Additional ramps added in high traffic areas
New Speedhump with crossing at S Wing to main building area
New furniture added to S2 Classroom
Journalist Rory, Ruby and Mietta write TC NEWS, articles that give our community an insight to life at TC 📰2024 School Production - Matilda!
Our beloved extraordinary bookworm is coming to the stage here at TC. Matilda the Musical, based on the book by Roald Dahl, is a story of a little girl who dares to take a stand and change her own destiny, because even if you’re little you can do a lot. Staff director Hayden Smith says “it’s a super fun musical. The energy is high, and the songs are fun.”
There have only been two rehearsals so far, but excitement is already buzzing in the air. Jasmine Fuga, who plays Miss Honey, says “I love theatre, I think it’s a great opportunity to connect with people and make new friends, and it’s just so much fun” and she’s most looking forward to “just doing the show” because “when it all comes together, it’s really exciting.” Hannah Radford, who plays Mrs Phelps, says “the cast and crew at TC are so lovely and I’m really excited to work with them…The passion and love for the show is everywhere.” Will Genat, who plays Miss Trunchbull, says “it’s always the villains and the angry characters that are so fun to play…there’s so much you can infuse within their performance”, and he’s most looking forward to performing the song The Smell of Rebellion, which he says is “this jazzy, absolute banger” and during that song there’s a part where “Miss Trunchbull’s gonna be lifted up…above everyone, and people are gonna…spin her around and carry her around the stage.”
There’s lots of reasons the Matilda cast wanted to get involved. Em Cormack, who plays Matilda, says “I love musicals…I’m an avid theatre kid” and “I have been in every school production that I have been able to” as well as “choir, dance classes, acting - anything to get closer to theatre.” Emily Dean, who also plays Miss Trunchbull, says this performance is a “bit of a second chance” as she “did Matilda in primary school and was Miss Trunchbull, but never actually got to perform it because of COVID.” Quinn Scotti, who plays Mr Wormwood, says “it's my last year at the school” and “I thought that being involved in the school production would be a great way to create some memories.” Luca Hughes, who also plays Mrs Phelps, says “I was in The Addams Family Musical last year, and it was by far the best production I've ever been in…so I immediately jumped at the opportunity to audition for Matilda the Musical.”
This year, there are two people playing some of the lead roles, and they’ll each get two nights to have the spotlight. The main characters in Matilda are Matilda Wormwood herself who loves books and is very intelligent, the headmistress Agatha Trunchbull who Will describes as “this matriarchal figure. She is like a battle axe. She doesn’t give up…She’s angry, she’s spiteful, she hates children”, Matilda’s teacher Miss Honey who Jasmine describes as “a fragile woman…she’s had a lot happen in her past, but she’s very kind and it’s sort of contrast to the principal, Trunchbull”, Matilda’s parents Mr and Mrs Wormwood, Bruce Bogtrotter, The Escapologist, The Acrobat, Mrs Phelps the librarian who Luca describes as Matilda’s “outlet for her stories and her escape from her own unfair world”, Rudolpho, Lavender, and Matilda’s brother Michael.
Some of the cast have even found similarities between themselves and the character they’re playing. Luca says “I love books and stories” just like Mrs Phelps. Miss Honey is a teacher and Jasmine says “I’m actually studying this year at TAFE; my cert III in Early Childhood Education.” Even Emily found some similarities between herself and Miss Trunchbull, saying “around my younger siblings, definitely get my inner Trunchbull out sometimes.”
Performing isn’t the only part our students have in this production. There are student directors too, and Hayden says “we’re keen to have our student directors running the show as much as possible.” Miles Leahy Baulch is one of these student directors whose role is to “support the production by helping people with their lines, and their characters, and movement on the stage, and managing the show in general.” He says directing is “something that I haven't really done before, apart from short bursts in classes, so it was something different that I could…discover new things with.” Will was a student director last year and this year again, and he says “I wanted to come back and…make it even better than last year.”
Feel like you’re missing out on the fun? It’s not too late to get involved. According to Hayden, a call for backstage crew will be put on Teams early next term, “so keep an eye out for it.”
The cast and crew would like to say a big “come see Matilda!” with Will adding “we’ll sell out every single night.” Save the date, August 13th-16th.
By Rory Opie
TC Journalist
Last Weeks Announcements
Traffic information for Entry Camp departures Monday and Wednesday
School Hoodie Update
Chickenpox alert
TC College Council AGM This Thursday
Student Parent Teacher Interview Bookings are Open