Pets in School Policy

Date Approved: May 2021. Minor update of personnel February 2023
Conaultation with College Council: October 2021
Approved By: Principal
Date of Review: May 2025

Page Contents


To explain to our school community the rules and procedures we have in place in relation to pets attending our school grounds.


Templestowe College believes that interacting with pets enhances and helps develop wellbeing, engagement and social and emotional learning competencies. This policy also outlines the College’s responsibility in ensuring the wellbeing of the pets in school and minimising the risk of harm to owners or pets.

Templestowe College is not liable for any costs associated with bringing pets onsite or while they are at school.


Pets will be assessed for suitability for the school environment firstly by discussion between the student owner and the member of staff in charge of this program and secondly upon arrival for first school visit the owner will bring the pet for physical confirmation of suitability.

Qualities required for visits

Pets should have the following characteristics to be brought to school:

  • Mild temperament

  • Be under owner control

  • Friendly

  • Enjoy human contact

  • Confident

  • Gentle and at ease in the school environment

Dogs must be able to walk on a loose lead. Cats, rabbits, ferrets, rats, birds and other pets not trained to walk on a lead must come in an appropriate carrier. All pets out of carriers must be toilet trained. Pets must be kept on leads during the school day.

There is a limit of four pets that can be brought to school on any given day.

Accident or injury

In the event of an accident or injury to a pet or member of the school community the pet will be removed from the immediate area and taken to a safe area by the owner or a designated person if required. Parents/carers and the student owner will be informed of the incident and medical attention will be sought if required. All incidents will be investigated with all stakeholders being kept informed.

Process of bringing your pet to school

  1. Discuss your pet with the relevant delegate (Jeremy Carr located in the S Wing). Permission to proceed is then given.

  2. ‘Visiting Pets to TC’ form emailed home to complete.

  3. Student to check with class teachers that a proposed date will not negatively impact on the class environment.

  4. Once approval has been given to the pet, students need to put their pet in the booking book located in S Wing. (This must happen prior to the pet visiting)

  5. On the day of the visit, upon arrival at school visit S Wing to introduce your pet.

  6. If it is your first visit a photo may be taken for the pet register.

Additional visits: Repeat steps 3-5.

Communication of this policy

This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:

  • Available publicly on the school website

  • Provided to staff at induction

  • Discussed at staff meetings/briefings as required

  • Hard copy available from school administration upon request

Further information and resources