Duty of Care Policy

Date Approved: September 2021
Approved By: Principal
Date of Review: September 2025

Page Contents


The purpose of this policy is to explain to our school community the non-delegable duty of care obligations that all staff at Templestowe College owe to our students and members of the school community who visit and use the school premises.


“Duty of care” is a legal obligation that requires schools to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of reasonably foreseeable harm, which can include personal injury (physical or psychological) or damage to property. The reasonable steps that our school may decide to take in response to a potential risk or hazard will depend on the circumstances of the risk. 

Our school has developed policies and procedures to manage common risks in the school environment, including:

  • Yard duty and Supervision

  • Anti Harassment and Bullying

  • Camps and Excursions

  • First Aid

  • Personal Property Policy

  • Child Safe Standards

  • Emergency Management

  • Volunteers

  • Visitors

  • Working with Children and Suitability Checks

  • Mandatory Reporting

  • Occupational Health and Safety

Our school acknowledges we are required to take reasonable precautions to prevent the abuse of a child by an individual associated with the organisation while the child is under the care, supervision or authority of the organisation.

Staff at our school understand that school activities involve different levels of risk and that particular care may need to be taken to support younger students or students with additional needs.  Our school also understands that it is responsible for ensuring that the school premises are kept in good repair and will take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of members of our community suffering injury or damage because of the state of the premises.

School staff, parents, carers and students are encouraged to speak to the principal to raise any concerns about risks or hazards at our school, or our duty of care obligations.

External providers

Staff at our school acknowledge that, as our duty of care is non-delegable, we are also required to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of reasonably foreseeable harm when external providers have been engaged to plan for or conduct an activity involving our students. Our Visitors Policy and Camps and Excursions Policy include information on the safety and care of our students when engaged with external providers. 

Our school also takes steps to ensure student safety when they are engaging in off-site workplace learning programs with external providers, such as when students are participating in work experience, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, structured workplace learning and any other workplace learning program involving external providers. Our School will follow all applicable Department of Education and Training policy and guidelines in relation to off-site learning and will ensure that the safety and welfare of the students engaging in these activities is paramount.  The Department’s guidelines in relation to Workplace Learning are available at the following link:


TC assumes a duty of care during the following circumstances and times

School Day Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 7:45am – 4:30pm for all students.
Wednesday and Friday 7:45am – 2:30pm for all students.
For any student wishing to remain at TC after school, a duty of care will be assumed until 2:30pm in common areas and 3:30 if involved in a club.
Camps and excursions From departure to arrival (if arrival is not at TC, staff remain with a duty of care in discussion with families)

Graduate students are permitted to be offsite when they do not have scheduled classes. TC has a Part Time Enrolment policy to cover any student who has fewer than 4 classes.

Where control is beyond TC, such as leaving grounds without permission, the reasonable actions that we can take could include contacting the police or providing families with information and warnings regarding potential dangers.

Communication of this policy

This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:

  • Provided to staff at induction

  • Discussed at staff meetings/briefings as required

  • Available publicly on the school website

  • Hard copy available from school administration upon request

Further information and resources

The Department’s Policy and Advisory Library (PAL):