Sunsmart Policy
Approved By: Principal and College Council
Date of Review: June 2024/5
Page Contents
Purpose, Scope
The purpose of this policy is to encourage behaviours at Templestowe College that reflect a healthy UV exposure balance, whilst minimising the risk of skin and eye damage and skin cancer.
This policy provides guidelines to:
support staff and students to use a combination of sun protection measures when UV index levels are 3 or above (generally mid-August – end of April)
ensure that there are outdoor environments that provide adequate shade for students and staff
ensure students are encouraged and supported to develop independent sun protection skills to help them to be responsible for their own protection
support our school’s strategies to meet its duty of care and occupational health and safety obligations to minimise harmful UV exposure and associated harm for students and staff.
This policy applies to all school activities, including camps and excursions. It is applicable to all students and staff.
A balance of sun exposure is important for health. Excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause health problems including sunburn, dehydration, damage to skin and eyes, and an increased risk of skin cancer.
Too little UV exposure from the sun can lead to low Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is essential for healthy muscles and bones, and overall health.
UV radiation:
cannot be seen or felt
can be reflected off surfaces such as buildings, asphalt, concrete, water, sand and snow
can pass through light clouds
varies in intensity across the year (highest in Victoria from mid-August – end of April)
peaks during school hours
Sun safety is a shared responsibility and staff, parents and students. Students and staff are encouraged to implement a combination of sun protection measures whenever UV levels reach 3 and above (typically from mid-August to the end of April in Victoria).
Templestowe College has the following measures in place to help reduce the risk of excessive UV sun exposure for staff and students.
Templestowe College will provide sufficient options for shelter and trees to provide shade on school grounds, particularly in places where students congregate at lunch and recess. Students will be permitted to access appropriate classrooms and corridors during recess and lunchtime. Students should also have access to shaded areas nearby outside sport areas.
When building works or grounds maintenance is conducted at Templestowe College that may impact on the level of shading available to staff and students, a review of the shaded areas available will be conducted and further shading installed as appropriate.
Sun protective clothing
It is recommended that from mid-August to end of April, and whenever UV levels reach 3 and above, students and staff come to school wearing sun-protective clothing such as:
loose, cool, closely-woven fabric
shirts with a collar and/or high necklines
tops with elbow length or long sleeves
longer style shorts and skirts
rash vests or t-shirts for outdoor swimming activities.
Staff and students are encouraged to wear hat styles that protect the face, neck and ears when outdoors.
Templestowe College encourages all staff and students to apply SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen daily whenever UV levels reach 3 and above. Sunscreen should be applied at least 20 minutes before going outdoors, and reapplied every two hours according to manufacturer’s instructions. This recommendation is part of the school dress code.
Students and staff are encouraged to provide their own sunscreen, but it is also available at the Hub, Swing, excursion kits and from the PE Faculty office.
Staff and families should role model SunSmart behaviour and are encouraged to apply SPF 30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen when outside.
Where reasonably practical, Templestowe College encourages students and staff engaged in outdoor activities to wear close-fitting, wrap-around sunglasses that meet the Australian Standard 1067 (Sunglasses: Category 2, 3 or 4) and cover as much of the eye area as possible.
Students at our school are encouraged to make healthy choices, and are supported to understand the benefits and risks of sun exposure. Templestowe College will address sun and UV safety education as part of HPE lessons at Entry level and as part of all sports classes and as information given to all sports teams.
Staff are encouraged to access resources, tools, and professional learning to enhance their knowledge and capacity to promote sun smart behaviour across the school community.
Communication of this policy
This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following way:
Available publicly on our school’s website
Included in staff induction processes
Reminder posted in Next Week @TC annual
Discussed at staff briefings/meetings as required
Hard copy available from school administration upon request
Further information and resources
The Department’s Policy and Advisory Library (PAL):
And the SunSmart website.