““To challenge the status quo, so that everyone is empowered to learn””
Next Week @TC
2023 Graduate Hoodies - Order Closing Midnight tonight
Mango Drive - Orders Closing today
Changes to COVID Isolating Guidelines
2023 Times of the Day
2023 Graduate Hoodies - last week to order
2023 Graduate Hoodie Orders are closing TODAY FRIDAY 14th of October midnight. This is to ensure tops will arrive for the beginning of Term 1. All students and families have been emailed information on ordering at the beginning of September.
Mango Drive
Changes to COVID Isolating Guidelines
The latest changes to COVID guidelines are now in place. The information below has been copied and pasted from a Department of Education release that was sent to us. Schools will no longer be reporting positive cases to the community.
“It is strongly recommended that students:
who test positive to COVID-19 stay home and isolate for 5 days
should not attend school after 5 days if still symptomatic
who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend school
advise the school of the COVID-19 positive test result
Where students become symptomatic at school they should:
be collected by their parents/carers
undergo testing for COVID-19”
2023 Times of the Day
This week we started our consultation with students over changes to the times of the day. Whilst we look at student feedback, here is some information below.
Why change?
There has been a statewide change in teachers working conditions as negotiated by the Department of Education. As part of this, teachers now have a reduced time teaching face to face in front of students. More information on this can be found through googling “VGSA2022”.
This has required a change to our structure in order to accommodate this.
What hasn’t changed?
Our understanding that learning is does not only happen when a student is sat in a classroom. That all of the time here at TC is a learning opportunity. We will still have many other opportunities for learning, rather than just the time sat in a classroom.
We know that we are not here to just fill students with information
We have a bigger responsibility than just achieving exam results, study scores
Our school opening hours
The hours that staff are onsite
Our finish time
Our Teachers willingness to work, support and interact with students outside of “classroom” time
Early finish time on Wednesday so that students can gain additional qualifications at TAFE, clubs can run onsite, students can access facilities, students have time for extra study or to access our tutors, or for some of our younger students to be able to recover from the high cognitive loads of Monday and Tuesday
Slightly earlier finish time on Friday, recognising that the adolescent brain is done by this time in the week.
Prioritising one program over another
Keeping a simple 1 week timetable in which students of all ages have a consistent recess and lunchtime, and all classes have 3 periods per weeks
Having a timetable in which all students can access all the opportunities through the school.
We have avoided Teachers sharing classes (except in exceptional circumstances)
What has changed?
A reduction of our 90 minute periods to 70 minutes
An introduction of a 30 minute period 0 starting at 8:40. More on what will be available in this time to follow.
Period 1 starting a bit later that this year. This fits in with the research around the adolescent brain.
More clubs and activities running throughout the day. There will be greater transparency around where and when these are running.
More opportunities for students to be able to work in small study groups
Connect has seen a small increase in time from 25 minutes to 30 minutes. This will take place on the same days as this year.
More opportunities for students to be able to use the resources at the school in a more self directed manner as they continue to develop their skills of independence and self regulating learning, whilst being supported by staff
A planned increase in camps experiences available, and immersive day learning experiences
Our Next Steps
We are currently collating the feedback that we have received from students.
This feedback allows us to look at what students see as the potential problems and benefits that arise from the new timetable in order to look at what we put in place to minimise or manage risks, and enhance benefits.
We will then release the information to parents. This process will happen very quickly.
Journalist Bonnie-Mai Smith writes TC NEWS, articles that give our community an insight to life at TC 📰TC NEWs takes a short break at the start of this term, we look forward to bringing you more exciting articles in the Term 4 weeks to come.
Last Week’s Annoucements
Earth Week - Videos For Change Competition
Term 3 Newsletter Release
Final Dates for VCE CATCH Up Classes
Term 4 Key Dates
Beginning of 2023 Arrangements
Welcome back to Term 4 TC!
This term our Community Integrated Learning theme is EARTH WEEK. EARTH WEEK is eek 4 (Oct 24 - 28) however there will activities happening throughout the term on this theme.
During this term we will be running a Videos For Change competition. We are looking for impactful one-minute videos that inspire social change on the theme of EARTH. There are lots of cash prizes for individual filmmakers and teams as well as prizes for Connect groups that make videos. You don't need any fancy equipment to make the video; it's all about how you can make the biggest impact on your viewers and get the message of environmental awareness out there!
Check out the comp website here: https://tc.videosforchange.org/
Any questions? Contact me on teams or email at RGR@tc.vic.edu.au
Get creative and go for it!
Term 3 Newsletter realease
Congratulations to our community for an amazing Term 3. Our newsletter is jam packed with events and activities in and outside the classroom in a true display of diversity, leadership, participation and learning! Enjoy it now: TC - Newsletter, Issue 3, 2022
Final Dates for VCE CATCH Up Classes
The final dates to make up any VCE classes missed are:
Friday 14th October for Unit 3/4 classes
Friday 11th November for Unit 1/2 classes
VCE catch-up sessions that are held weekly in the HUB at the following times:
Monday 3:30pm to 4:40pm
Tuesday 3:30pm to 4:40pm
Thursday 3:30pm to 4:40pm
A reminder that students must achieve an attendance rate of 85% for each of their VCE classes in line with DET requirements. Any questions regarding this process please contact Katrina Katz - Assistant Principal - KKAT@tc.vic.edu.au
Term 4 key dates
Tuesday 18th October – Last Day Senior VCAL Classes
Wednesday 19th October – Last Day Unit 4 Classes
Thursday 20th October – Last Day GRAD Students
Monday 24th October – Friday 28th October – Community Integrated Learning Week – Theme of Earth Week
Monday 31st October – Staff Professional Development Day. No classes running. Just exam students onsite
Tuesday 1st November – Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 26th October – Wednesday 16th November – Unit 4 VCE Exams Run
Thursday 17th November – Wednesday 23rd November – Unit 2 VCE Exams Run
Thursday 24th November – Virtual Final Assembly
Friday 25th November – Staff Professional Practice Day. No classes running onsite
Monday 28th November – Friday 2nd December – Head Start Week 1 (ALL STUDENTS)
Monday 5th – Friday 9th December – Head Start Week 2 (NON-VCE STUDENTS - FLE & PRE)
Monday 12th - Friday 16th December - Activity Week
Tuesday 13th December – 2023 Entry Orientation Day (Non VCE Students Onsite)
Wednesday 14th – Thursday 15th December – Staff First Aid Training taking place + Peer support training. Activities running for others onsite
Friday 16th December - Staff PD Day (no students onsite)
Monday 19th December – TC TLC Day 1
Tuesday 20th December – TC TLC Day 2 (Early Finish) (Last day of the Year)
Beginning of 2023 Arrangements
Currently we have the following arrangements for the beginning of 2023:
Friday 27th January - Staff Professional Development Day. No students on site. General Office opens after 11am
Monday 30th January - Staff Professional Development Day. No students on site.
Tuesday 31st January - 2023 Entry Students begin. VCE students return TBC.
Wednesday 1st February - all students are onsite.